English Virtual Week 2021
Welcome to the second English Virtual Week!, an online and extended version of the traditional English Day. During this week our sixth-graders will be playing and preparing challenges related to […]
Welcome to the second English Virtual Week!, an online and extended version of the traditional English Day. During this week our sixth-graders will be playing and preparing challenges related to […]
Hem treballat i analitzat el micromasclimes que podem trobar en el món del cinema, la publicitat i els videojocs. Són les formes de masclisme subtils, que passen sovint inadvertides, alguns […]
Els nostres alumnes de sisè s’han convertit en científics per un dia gràcies a l’experiment que des de la Missió Alba – Projecte Sincrotró ens han proposat. I és que […]
Our sixth-graders have just received their X-Mas letters from their pen-pals of La Sínia school, and they are excited about it! Check this link to watch the pictures. Thank you […]
1 2 3 We are all artists, have a look to our sculptures! 1 2 3
Portades de Sant Jordi (2019-20)
It’s not Saint George’s Day, but we can enjoy reading poetry every day. Here you can read some of our poems about roses and dragons! […]
Aquí teniu la introducció d’aquesta història de detectius que haureu de continuar… Creeu el vostre relat i deixeu sense alè els vostres companys i mestres que seran els vostres lectors. […]